Do What you did before and Trust the Process . . . God is rebuilding His Temple!
Howard Thurman wrote, "Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive and go do it. What the world needs is people who have come alive".
Many have forgotten what makes them come alive, or what used to do so and does so no longer. A change indeed has begun and many are waking up to this reality. A curve in the road is not the end of the road unless you refuse to make the turn.
John 6:12, after more than 5000 people had been miraculously fed, Jesus is recorded to have instructed his disciples to "Gather up the fragments (leftovers) that none be lost." These are instructions given by Jesus after he had performed undoubtedly one of the most incredible and phenomenal miracles in his 3 1/2 years of ministry on the earth. He did so twice.
Sometimes the Universe will use your past as a rehearsal for your future. ~ *Do what you did before and Trust the Process! ~ God is rebuilding His Temple!
I've had some immensely profound moments and memories in ministry in my nearly 60 years on the planet and I am now feeling like Jesus may have felt after having fed so many hungry people both naturally and spiritually in ministry as I consider and even concentrate on the fragments; those precious and still valuable leftovers in and of ministry that once spiritually fed the multitudes and promises to do so again in much greater and more radically inclusive numbers.
I know what it feels like to experience the sense of fragmentation and be treated like a useless leftover that should be discarded, disregarded and thrown away, but I also know what it feels like to be gathered up again, or to gather myself and soul up again, so as not to be lost or forfeited. Gifts and callings are irrevocable.
Think of your own fragments: the pieces, parts and particles that have been bruised, broken and scattered throughout your life; broken dreams, fragmented relationships, a torn or tattered vision of a life you thought could have been but isn't. Gather them up! Jesus is showing us that every piece, every crumb is valuable and should not be lost, passed over or discarded. Every experience you've had, everything you've been through, everything you thought was lost or was too far gone to retrieve, was necessary to make you not only the person you are today, but the person you were created, purposed and are indeed destined to be. So gather all those precious and pressured fragments up that none and nothing be lost.
Do what you did before and Trust the Process. Follow your Joy! ~ God is rebuilding His Temple!