The whole world is dealing with ultimate issues now. This is "The Valley of Decision" that was prophesied (see Joel 3:14). The foundations of civilization are being shaken. At the same time that human governments are failing, the Kingdom of God is growing.
We are in the times when Daniel 2 is being fulfilled. The statue that represents all of man's kingdoms is crumbling while the little stone that represents the Kingdom of God is growing into a mountain or government, and it will keep growing until it fills the whole earth. Which are we building our lives on?
If we are to fulfill The Great Commission, to make disciples of all nations, the Church is going to have to become the city we are called to be – a city on a hill, elevated, so that all can see its light. It was this city that compelled Abraham to leave Ur of the Chaldeans, the greatest culture of his time. He wandered in a wilderness not even knowing where he was going, but he knew what he was looking for – the city that God was building, not man. Being a sojourner is still the nature of the true Christian walk of faith.
Fellowship and Communion
The Church is called to be a family, not just an organization.We need organization, but the structure given to the local Church in the New Testament was the most basic and simple imaginable – there were elders and deacons – that's it. The life and power of the Church was its koinonia not the ecclesia
In 1 Corinthians 10 and 11 we have the only reason given in the Bible for Christians being weak, sick, or dying prematurely. The reason for this is not having koinonia. The Apostle Paul warned us not to partake of the ritual of koinonia (the Greek word used for "communion" in this text) in an unworthy manner because doing so would bring judgment on ourselves.
To partake of the ritual in an unworthy manner is when people partake even when they do not actually have what the ritual symbolizes and reminds us to have – koinonia. It is noteworthy that nowhere are we given such a warning about not having ecclesia.
Some may maintain that they have fellowship with the Lord and that is enough for them, but the Lord said that this was not enough. We cannot be rightly joined to the Head without also being rightly joined to His Body. I've heard many say that they love God but just don't like His people. However, as John wrote, we do not really love God if we do not also love His people. John also wrote that:
"If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we will have fellowship (koinonia) with one another, and the Blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:7).
If my hand is severed from my body, it will die quickly because the life blood cannot flow through it without being connected to the body. The same is true spiritually. We must have koinonia to have the true life of Christ flowing through us.
We can't have all that koinonia implies by just having good chats with our friends over coffee. We can't have it by looking at the back of their heads in services either. This level of relationship is a vital part of true Christianity, yet it is rarely found in Christianity today. We must find it.
We can't have all that koinonia implies by just having good chats with our friends over coffee. We can't have it by looking at the back of their heads in services either. This level of relationship is a vital part of true Christianity, yet it is rarely found in Christianity today. We must find it.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
MorningStar Ministries
Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the Senior Pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including The Final Quest, A Prophetic History, and Church History. He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.