As 2013 comes to a close, you can feel the move of His "Quantum" Acceleration, and it has begun. The new wine is waiting to break forth faster than the speed of light. That is why many are feeling as though they are getting ready to go into labor. We are all so excited to see what lies ahead. It is as if we have stretched out the tent stakes as far as they can go, and for many of us, our ears are to the ground listening.
We are in a time of "quantum acceleration." The Lord says that"You will quantum leap into your past and take back the dreams and promises that God the Father has promised you. Then you can leap forward into your present time that will set up your future."
The new wine has already begun springing forth, releasing the anticipation of what God is getting ready to do. The number 20 means "redeem," and 14 means "salvation that brings deliverance." We will see a year of quantum acceleration of souls coming into the Kingdom. I can hear Acts 16:31, saying, "Families will be saved and the prodigals are coming home!"
On Passover, and also the Feast of Tabernacles of 2014 and 2015, there will be blood moons. This has not happened in a long time, or especially back to back, in so many years! These are signs from the throne room of Heaven. We cannot overlook these signs! We must "pass over" into the Promised Land and step into the Holy of Holies with full access and assurance of our role and what is asked of us.
We cannot contain the new wine in these old wine skins. We cannot contain what the Father has for us. This is our time to remember that Jesus came to be born in human form so that He could take us into the fullness of Heaven. Life would be fully in the Holy Spirit. From being a newborn, to the Cross, to Christ (The Anointed One), He came back and told those in the upper room to wait.
You Get the Victory!
I had a vision. In this vision, an angel of the Lord flew from Heaven. He had a horn in his right hand. A shofar horn full of oil. As he got closer, I could smell this aroma, like one I have never smelled before. This fragrance, once released, demolished darkness as pure light was illuminating for what looked like miles and miles. It hit the airwaves like an atomic bomb going off. As he poured out the oil, for what seemed only to be a drop, it released strategic regions here on earth. What once was barren will now bring forth 30-, 60-, and 100-fold back into whatever seed you have sown. You may feel like it's the winter months, but soon it will be springtime.
The Lord is looking for true purebreds, not show-horses!He is looking for men and woman of integrity. Our weapon in this hour is faith. Faith is what it will take in this next, new season. That, my friends, is you and me. Many of you have been hidden, and even felt forgotten. The Father's hand has been on you all this time, but in those times of feeling like He isn't there, that's where the testing and pruning takes place. As winter has just begun, I know it is time to turn over a new leaf. It's an old expression, but it's time to turn over those areas in your life that have been dormant and press through until you get the victory!
The winds and fire are going to expose and then consume your enemies like a fire with a back draft. I see gates being shut every time you step out into your sphere of influence.Whatever you're feeling as to enlarging your territory, now is the time. "Walk on the water and you will not fail," says the Lord.
Seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness
We leave Haggai 1 behind us and step into this quantum leap of acceleration as we build the Kingdom of God as one. I hear Matthew 6:33: "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."Those of us who follow Jesus are urged to seek above all else God's Kingdom and His righteousness. The verb "seek" implies being continually absorbed in a search for something, or making a strenuous and diligent effort to obtain something.
As we seek Him and His Kingdom that we will be a part of, the greatest revival that we have seen for souls in these next three years will take place. Our key is just this: To allow Him to blow on the embers of our heart. It's our year to come out of exile; a time to possess the Kingdom of God! Signs, wonders and miracles! Apostolic prophetic alignment is a key to unleashing Heaven upon the earth!
Lord, let Your Kingdom reign here on earth as it is in Heaven.
Angela T. Greenig
Angela Greenig Ministries International
Angela Greenig Ministries International
Angela Greenig is founder of Angela Greenig Ministries International, is author of three books, has produced two DVDs, and hosts "Justice for All" media channel with XP Media. Angela's teachings and insights come from years of experience on the front lines of spiritual warfare. She is a seasoned seer/warrior for Christ, and is a leading force in deliverance ministry. For the past 27 years she has been a defender of the faith and a voice for those who have no voice, traveling the world, preaching the Gospel and training up the Body of Christ. For the past 21 years she has been blessed to be working on the streets of Seattle, Washington, helping to feed and clothe the homeless and those in need. Angela has built and released ministries in many cities throughout America and in many nations of the world. She has a heart of welfare for the salvation and deliverance of people.