Saturday, November 29, 2014

"God is Increasing Your Storehouse – with Unlocked Mysteries"

"Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."
 Isaiah 9:7
In the midst of international and national crisis, economic instability, and attacks against religious freedom, I am fully confident of God's prophetic promises in His written Word. He said without reservation, that the increase of His government and peace will not cease (see Isaiah 9:7). Not only will His Kingdom and peace increase, He will zealously establish that increase with justice and righteousness.
We receive His promises as solid and prevailing truth especially as we are systematically over-saturated with news of injustice around the globe. Jesus is passionately bringing forth His Church as a glorious and beautiful Bride in the earth. She will shine! No matter what happens, Christ's Church "WINS!"
Since His Kingdom on earth is increasing, this translates into the visible increase of spiritual authority of His Church. What do I mean by spiritual authority? We all have the authority to govern planet earth "in Jesus name." That has both spiritual and natural implications, but it all begins in the spirit realm. I'm sure you've heard this before, "First the spiritual, then the natural." We deal with the spirit of the matter first and the natural will adjust itself accordingly. (Photo by Jennifer Page"Brush of Angels Wings" via
Our Spiritual Authority Will Increase
We've been designated priests and kings in the earth and our spiritual authority is tied into those designations in Christ. We exercise this authority primarily in prayer and also by releasing prophetic words and prophetic actions that dismantle darkness and bring the illuminating light of God into situations. We then move into strategic action into the affairs of nations as we do what we "see the Father doing."
I've often found that we have things legally available to us in God, but living it out is a whole different matter. This is what I mean when I say "our spiritual authority will increase". It's probably better to say that we will see a visible increase of authority as we understand the spiritual realm more clearly and apply what we know more precisely.
How does the Church grow in spiritual authority?
The Church grows in authority by gaining fresh understanding of the spiritual realm and applying these truths victoriously. Out of conscientiousness to not offend God or cross any lines Biblically, many have rejected unusual spiritual experiences and even hidden their personal stories of breakthrough. Why? Because their breakthrough happened in ways they couldn't yet explain from the Word of God. I've had this happen many times personally and had to sit on things for a season until I could clarify it in plain language and from Biblical precedent.
For example, when I was a new Christian it was not accepted for a Christian to have demonic problems in the ways that I was having. I had to be delivered from occult spirits a year after I was saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit. It took time for me to explain that experience from the Bible to those who were not aware that Christians can and do have spiritual problems.
What I'm seeing in the future is the Church accelerating in decoding spiritual mysteries and cracking new codes in the spiritual realm. Jesus is on a mission to set people free and He is going to teach His Church how to do that better.
Just like the apostle Peter, you will stumble into new truth and then have to work it out afterward. You recall that Peter fell into a trance in Acts 10 and was instructed in the trance to accept Gentiles into the faith. Previously Gentiles were off limits to Jews and considered unclean. Peter had an experience with new truth and then had to process it out and test its validity.
Just like Peter, we too will be stumbling into more and more truth. We will then have to do our homework and test it and validate it through the written Word. I have discovered that every time I've had such an experience, I can always find it somewhere in the written Word. This is a key protocol that we have to have when introducing new patterns and protocols to the Body of Christ. The results, however, will entice us to shift our thinking and embrace something new.
Unlocking Mysteries
Another big challenge will be to find language to explain what has been newly discovered. Spiritual mysteries often remain mysteries because we don't have the language or the understanding to grasp it. Many such revelations will have deep spiritual implications and go beyond our human language. We will have to craft linear explanation to help others grasp things that are intangible, but effective. Not explaining things properly can cause truths to be rejected instead of embraced. We must think before we speak and not promote new things as spiritual fads, but push it as solid and proven truth.
Warrior's Heart by Jennifer PageThis quest to unlock mysteries will be fueled by personalized promises and mandates to deliver lands, spiritual atmospheres, and whole nations IN A DAY. The drive to see people freed from spiritual, emotional, and physical bondage, and things assigned to them by culture, will drive the search to crack new spiritual codes for freedom. We will go beyond what we know now. 
The Lord is saying to "Keep asking, seeking, and knocking. Don't stop knocking!" God is releasing bigger vision, wider mandates, and opening the storehouses of mysteries so you can get the job done. (Photo of Warrior's Heartby Jennifer Page via
With new understanding will come new teachings. Our present teachings about the spiritual realm, spiritual warfare, prophetic intercession, etc. are often methodology based on Biblical truths and genuine personal testimony. For example, a widely-used prayer model for physical healing is actually a methodology based on the Bible and crafted from many testimonies. We use this prayer model at our church fairly effectively, but we are ready to adjust it once a more efficient model is discovered and tested to be true.
Our methods and subsequently our teachings will experience a shift as we crack new codes and gain new testimonies of deeper deliverances. There will be new methodology! The Lord is exhorting us to patiently test such things, hold fast to what is good, but not to hastily reject new things. We will also have to take the appropriate time to develop "bridging" communication and not turn new truths into just popular fads that will fade.
He's increasing your storehouse of unlocked mysteries! These mysteries will communicate the manifold wisdom of God and create whole new sounds of wonder in the earth. People and places absolutely lost and beyond hope will emerge out of deep darkness and truly shine with the light of God.
Jennifer Eivaz, Associate Minister
Harvest Christian Center

Jennifer Eivaz is a vibrant Minister and International Conference Speaker who carries the wisdom and fire of the Holy Spirit. She presently serves as an Executive Pastor with Harvest Christian Center in Turlock, CA and is focused on raising up a passionate and effective prayer community that is tempered with love and hears the voice of God accurately. Jennifer loves the Presence of God and is a prophetic voice to her church and to others. Her teaching style is authentic and aimed at the heart having been built on her personal testimony of God's incredible goodness and miraculous display in her life and in the life of her church. Jennifer is a graduate of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is married to HCC's Senior Pastor Ron Eivaz, and they have two wonderful children. She has written a book called The Intercessors Handbook.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

"Awaken! It's Time to Agree With Heaven and See Our New Season!"

Awake, awake, Zion, clothe yourself with strength! Isaiah 52:1 NIV
Angelic Visitations Are Awakening Us!
Believers, it is time to awaken and agree with Heaven! How do I know this for sure? Let me get straight to the point: God had me awakened from my sleep by an awakening/scribe angel that had me pen a fresh message from Heaven concerning "seeing our new season"!
I am writing the message that the angel gave to me in this article to you now. Even though I received the visitation while in South Korea, I know this message is a corporate one for the Body of Christ. Please let me explain.
Over the last few months, I have been ministering in Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, California, and then had an extensive itinerary in South Korea. While in South Korea, I was reminded by the Lord that at the beginning of this year He said that He was going to "mantle" His people with a new authority. I have been teaching and writing for quite some time concerning "mantles of authority," "mantles of anointing," and how to be set free many different types of "yokes" of oppression.
One of my main messages to the Body of Christ in this season is that God is awakening His children to a new season of hope, and He is clothing us with Himself! In Judges 6:34 (AMP), it states, "But the Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon with Himself and took possession of him." Dear ones, just as He clothed Gideon with Himself – He is also clothing us! (More on that in a bit.)
For now, please know that you are being given a new and fresh mantle from Heaven. This mantle is empowering us with new strength and vision for the future. We are in a season when God's people are shifting from a season of discouragement, hopelessness, and spiritual slumber. It has been very clear to me that God is empowering His Church into a season of great breakthroughs of hope and renewed courage. (Photo by Jennifer Page "Forgiven"via
Yet, there is more! There is also a renewed "seer" anointing being released to His people. A "seer" is a term applied to those with a prophetic gifting, who see visions or see into the Spirit realm. Expect for that area of anointing upon your lives to be activated at an entirely new level! It is the Lord's desire for each of us to "see" our new season and then properly align with Heaven. When we align with the government of Heaven, we also come into agreement with all that God says – about Him, and also about us!
See Your Breakthrough!
Dear ones, I cannot emphasize this enough... we need to be positioned to witness our breakthroughs and our new seasons! But, will we recognize a breakthrough if we experience it? I mean, really? It's important to "see" a breakthrough and also to "recognize" breakthrough as being what it is – breaking through an obstacle or force that opposes us!
I have taught on this subject for years, prayed for personal breakthroughs many times, and have even had dreams concerning different seasons of experiencing some type of breakthrough. But, recently I specifically heard the Lord speak to me concerning what the word breakthrough truly involves.Believer, you are not reading this article by accident. The Lord desires to renew our minds concerning His perspective and truths concerning our breakthroughs – so keep reading!
Interestingly, according to Merriam Webster Dictionary, a breakthrough involves "a sudden increase in knowledge or understanding." Spiritually, this means that when we receive new revelation concerning a truth or godly principle, that it opens the door for a breakthrough of some type. For example, according to John 8:32 (NIV)" will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Therefore, knowing the truth empowers us to experience a breakthrough into greater freedom and liberty.
Another powerful definition for the word breakthrough involves our forward advancement as the Church. Again, using the Merriam Webster Dictionary, breakthrough means "an offensive thrust that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line in warfare." This definition is revelation to us if we understand that the Body of Christ is not on the defense! No! We are on the offensive – always. This is because we always start at the finish line. Let me explain this further.(Photo by Linda Harris-Iorio "Quiver Flaming Arrows" via
We Start at the Finish Line
Hebrews 4:10-11 reminds us that we can "rest" and remain fully assured that what Christ accomplished at the Cross gave us eternal victory. Because of the Cross we have been given "salvation." As I have written many times before, salvation is more than our being "saved" from sin. The word "salvation" is the Greek word sozo and it implies that we are healed, delivered, protected, saved, and have all that Heaven has to offer!
If we know this (receive the revelation of this), we can experience a breakthrough now! What Christ did at the Cross has placed each of us on the offensive. Believer, it's time to renew our minds to these truths. Jesus told Peter that the gates of Hell would not be able to "prevail" against His Church (see Matthew 16:18). The word "prevail" means to "overpower." We need to understand that because we rule in life through Christ Jesus, when we advance forward and advance God's Kingdom on earth, the gates of Hell will not be able to overpower or overthrow us!
The Gates of Hell
What are the gates of Hell? A quick historical study of gates reveals that gates of fortified cities were used to hold councils in and represented places of great strength. With this in mind, we can easily assume that no council, plots, or strategies of satan (nor his angels) will prevail against us when we advance God's Kingdom on earth. No weapon of our enemy can prosper or prevail against the truths of God!
We are to use the keys of the Kingdom as we possess our Promised Land (every promise given to us by God). Using the principles of binding and loosing, as Jesus instructed Peter, will be our arsenal for victory in this season.
Jesus said, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven"(Matthew 16:18-20 NIV, emphasis mine). (Photo by Robert Bartow "The Key" via
The word "bind" in this previous passage means "to put in bonds" and to "tie." But, it also is derived from a word meaning "to petition." Therefore, when we pray, we are petitioning God to tie up our enemy and put him in bonds! I always say, "Jesus instructed His disciples (and us) to pray that Heaven touch earth. Whatever is not in Heaven does not belong here on earth! There is no sickness in Heaven; therefore, it does not belong here on earth. Therefore, I bind up sickness and disease and loose healing in Jesus' name!"
Precious saint, I have just given you an example of how to advance the Kingdom of God and experience breakthrough. Breakthrough comes whenever we begin to agree with Heaven and what the Word says! As you speak God's Word, you can also see your new season and be mantled with fresh strength!
Be Clothed and Mantled for Victory
As I said earlier, Gideon was "clothed" (mantled) with God Himself. If you recall Gideon's story, it was difficult for him to see himself as God saw him. Gideon was fearful and hiding from the Midianites. Yet God referred to him as a "mighty man of valor." God saw Gideon's potential – just as He sees ours. In fact, I like to say this: "He sees us completed!" Think about this: God saw Gideon completed – victorious, courageous, and clothed with might!
Even though Gideon couldn't see correctly, God kept speaking into his potential. God then said, "Gideon, go forward with what I have just spoken to you and called you. I called you a man of valuer and a man full of might... go forward with that mindset!" (Judges 6:14, paraphrased).
It is the same with us today, when God says, "Go forward with My strength. You are courageous; you are victorious; you are full of My power!"
Are we "seeing" ourselves that way? If not, it is time to "awaken"! We must awaken to what Heaven is declaring concerning ourselves in this season.
An Increase of Dreams and Visions
In South Korea, when the angel visited me, there was a knock at my door. I awoke from my sleep and looked at the alarm clock; it was 4:00 AM (the number four represents many things in dreams and visions; in this case, it represented the fourth day of creation and the beginning of times and seasons). I was then caught up in a vision where I went to the door and opened it – but no one was there. However, there was a cloud of glory that swept in the room, and I knew there was an angel present.
I heard the angel say, "I have come to awaken the Church. Now write what I tell you."
Several passages were given to me concerning the need for the Church to awaken out of slumber, such as Romans 13:11-14 and Psalm 57:8-9. But, the one I want to emphasize as I conclude this article is Song of Solomon 5:2 (NIV), which says, "I slept but my heart was awake. Listen! My beloved is knocking..." (Photo by Donna Smallenberg "I Slept, But My Heart Was Awake" via
Yes, I was asleep, but my heart was awake! Precious Believer, God is about to increase dreams and visions. He will speak to us in the night seasons about areas that concern our future breakthroughs. It is His desire that we see our future, and He will speak to your heart concerning putting off the old so that you can embrace the new!
Preparing Your New Wineskin
God is preparing each of us to hold the new wine. I could write an entire article on that one subject, but for now I need you to focus on this important question: Is there any part of your past that you cannot get past? I would like to encourage you to ask the Lord to show you any area of your heart that might not be willing to "awaken!" If you sleep, is your heart remaining awake? Precious Believer, don't allow any area of your past to dictate your future and steal your future breakthroughs.
In my new book, Faith After Failure: Reconnecting With Your Destiny, I write about how to overcome lock down, hopelessness, and despair. You will read about how King David overcame failure. You will also read testimonials concerning Apostle Paul, Jeremiah, and Peter. It's important to know that you can always reconnect with your destiny and see your future.
In fact, when we reconnect with destiny, it is another way that we experience a breakthrough! Just as Jeremiah was empowered to see his new season, so can you. If you recall, Jeremiah was disappointed with his abilities – yet God "touched" Jeremiah's weaknesses. (Take some time and read through Jeremiah 1.) This new book that I have written will position you for God's "touch" so that you can be mantled properly for your future.
I'm so excited that God is awakening us! This means that He has great plans for us. He is waking us up to face a new season. It's time to awake and put on strength (see Isaiah 52:1-2)!
In Christ,
Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas

Website: /
Dr. Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, they are the founders of Zion Ministries Training Center in Bedford, Texas, and Lifegate Church International. Sandie has traveled nationally and internationally teaching dreams and visions seminars and on spiritual discernment. Her ability to adequately prophesy and discern spiritual strongholds over regions has released numerous breakthroughs for individuals and ministries. Sandie has authored, Dream On, and eleven other books, most of which are in several different languages. Dr. Sandie and Apostle/Pastor Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kimberly.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

"Discerning the Progressive Applications of Your Prophetic Revelations"

If you've kept record of your prophetic words over the years, you've probably noticed that at least some of these revelations played out a little differently—or maybe a lot differently—than you expected. You also may be experiencing what I call the progressive application of your prophetic revelation.
In other words, when you received the prophetic word you applied it to your life or ministry in the best way you knew how at the time. That application wasn't wrong, but it may not have been the fullness of God's prophetic intent. Often, it takes years for a prophetic word to realize its full manifestation. You take steps toward it as the prophetic revelation unfolds.
I've experienced this a number of times in the last decade alone. You could look at it as God connecting the dots of your prophetic destiny, but it runs deeper than that. When you experience progressive application of a prophetic revelation, you're essentially growing into the prophetic word. At first you didn't have the capacity to walk in the completeness of what the Lord was saying, so you entered into a training ground that allowed you to apply the principles of the prophetic word on a smaller scale. (Photo via pixabay)
The Ezra Revelation
One of the best examples I can offer from my personal life is what I now affectionately refer to as the "Ezra revelation." In Ezra 4 we discover the work on the house of God in Jerusalem ceased after much resistance and opposition. After some time, the restoration of the temple resumed with prophets playing a key role.
"Then the prophet Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophets, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them. So Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jozadak rose up and began to build the house of God which is in Jerusalem; and the prophets of God were with them, helping them" (Ezra 5:1-2).
When I saw this Scripture, the Lord spoke to my heart about the role of prophetic ministry in building—or rebuilding, as it were—God's house. I was convinced the application was a weekly meeting with the prophets in our congregation during which we could pray and seek the Lord for prophetic strategies about building the local church. That wasn't wrong, but 10 years later I see the prophetic revelation God was pouring into my heart was about more than one local church—it has to do with an awakening in America.
The Ezekiel Revelation
Another strong example of revisiting the application of your prophetic words is what I affectionately refer to as the "Ezekiel revelation." I was on a difficult missions trip in Latin America when the Lord directed me to Ezekiel 3 and then to Ezekiel 33. Ezekiel 3 is when God called Ezekiel to be watchman and gave him a mandate:
"Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me: When I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul"(Ezekiel 3:17-19).
A similar command is found in Ezekiel 33:7-9. When I read these verses the fear of the Lord struck my heart. I knew that I needed to be faithful to step out and share the prophetic warnings I was receiving during that season of my ministry, even though nobody really wanted to hear them. I had no understanding at the time that I would pen a Watchman on the Wall column that would sound the alarm in the nations of the Earth.
We Know in Part
Here's the lesson—and it's an important one for every Believer whether you move in prophetic ministry, receive personal prophecy in a prayer line, or just hear the still small voice of God for yourself:
We know in part and we prophesy in part (see 1 Corinthians 13:9-12). We see through a glass darkly (1 Corinthians 13:12).Revelation is progressive, and prophetic words can unfold over time with deeper application. (Photo via
Record the prophetic words, dreams and visions you receive and seek to put the truth within them into practice today.But don't stop there. Refer back to your journals over time, and you may see clearly how the Lord has shifted dynamics to bring you into a deeper application of that prophetic revelation.
Overall, move with the Holy Spirit at the level you are now and always expect Him to take you deeper than where you are. God is able to "do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20). Instead of limiting the application of your prophetic words, remain open to new revelations that will take you deeper into His will.
Used by Permission from Charisma Magazine.
Jennifer LeClaire
News Editor at Charisma Media,
Founder of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft, and The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

"Prophetic Night Vision Is Coming To You!"

Outward signs of the times often reflect to us the spiritual realities that are available for us in the Body of Christ!  Those with eyes to see will soon walk into another level of prophetic awareness and bring revelation to the Body that has yet to be revealed.
A Vision of Prophetic Revelation
As I prayed recently I saw darkness that surrounded a single tree; darkness however that did not reflect evil, yet merely a sense of ignorance, a place and time, and not knowing what was available.
As I continued to pray and peer into the prophetic vision, the Lord began to show me the prophetic reality that the Body of Christ could walk in, as we recognize the need for the light of God and hidden revelations we can partake of in this next season. (Photo via flickr)
During the last 100 years, we have seen an outpouring of Holy Spirit, as well as the activation of many in the realm of the prophetic anointing. People that are "no-names" are directing and guiding the future by faithfully speaking the word of the Lord and creating destiny in the world. "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh" (Acts 2:17). What a promise... a promise that is being revealed today.
"And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on My servants, both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those days.Joel 2:28-29
In the last 100 years, not only have we seen the outpouring and the prophetic flow increase, we can look at what God is releasing in the world of vision in the natural. Not many decades ago the television was a black and white small screen with a poor quality picture and poor sound. A few decades before that it was only an imagination; only a thought in someone's mind.
In fact, what we take for granted today, many people had not even imagined or thought about... not even a thought of watching people and events through a box or a screen. It is the same today with volumes of revelation and spiritual realities that God has yet to release to the Body of Christ.
In this time of prayer the Lord revealed to me that many great technologies and revelations would pour out as He allowed His light of revelation to dispel the darkness of ignorance.
Today not only do we have high definition television, 3D display and in movie theaters, and tablets and smart phones that stream "visions" to our life, and there is more and more being released everyday.
So it is with the prophetic realm today, for those who have eyes to see, the realms of vision and awareness are being illuminated today! Your once "black and white" vision will become high definition and full spectrums of color! Your small "vision" or screen will become "bigger than life" full screen, panoramic visions of prophetic revelation. The crackling, old speakers of sound are now louder, crisper, and truly surround sound of voices (hearing in the spirit).
The world has reflected in technology what the Lord is releasing in the spirit realm of man!
Prophetic Night Vision
The Lord showed me that night vision is coming to the Body of Christ to see and bring illumination to the dark areas that are here in our world that we have not yet seen. Again I did not see the darkness as evil, but as places of ignorance. Ignorance is not a derogatory term, it simply states a lack of knowledge or understanding. The "night vision" of the Lord will fall upon His people to bring sights this season that will bring inner and outer transformation. (Photo via pixabay)
"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings." Proverbs 25:2
When the Lord imparts revelation it brings transformation – first to the person and then to all that the person influences. This is your time and your season to receive the anointing of prophetic night vision and see beyond what is before your eyes today!
There is more to see my friend, and God is imparting the vision to see, the sound to hear, and the heart to discern.
Wayne Sutton
Wayne Sutton is a prophetic minister and travels teaching others how to clearly hear and discern the voice of the Lord. Wayne is the founder of and his heart is to equip the children of God to walk in the fullness that Christ provided, and expand the Kingdom of God by awakening fellow Believers to their true identity in Christ. Wayne is a Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor, author, and ordained minister. He resides along with his family in Wilmington, NC.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

"Our Strangest Fear!"

Some fears catch us by surprise! We are not even aware that they are there. If you allow this one strange fear to control you, you will not see the potential that God has planned for your life.
About four or five years ago, I began to pray for people on Facebook chat. Before long, I was seeing many miracles, and consequently, I was receiving more attention than I had ever had before. The president of a Christian college and bishop over a large number of churches in India began using my teaching in all of his churches and classes. Even though I had been a pastor and speaker for many years, now people knew me from all over the world, literally. That's great, right?
Don't Fear God-Promotion!
Then this FEAR caught me by surprise! It was NOT the fear of failure. It was the fear of SUCCESS! As long as I was not successful, I could stay relatively HIDDEN. As long as I was hidden, I felt SAFE! Now, I felt vulnerable. Hiding would no longer be possible. I had other related fears. I felt a fear of becoming proud. I felt a fear of someone THINKING I was proud. I struggled over whether I wanted the misunderstandings that came from sharing testimonies of people being healed. (Photo via Star Business Solutions)
In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus said, "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."
A light that is hidden out of fear of being conspicuous gives no benefit to anyone and brings no glory to the Father. What good is a light that is hidden from view? Of course, I am not talking about self-promotion. I am talking about GOD-promotion.
Could It Be That YOUR Desire to Stay Hidden Is Rooted In Fear?
A seed is an embryonic plant in a protective shell.In order for that seed to bring forth a harvest and reach the fullness of what God created it for, it must break out of that protective shell.If you want to reach your potential, YOU must break out of your protective shell that desires to always be hidden and safe. As the seed breaks out of that shell, it becomes vulnerable, but it also becomes FRUITFUL. (Photo via Pixabay)
What if you make a mistake? Who doesn't! What if people criticize your motives or your actions? Father God is applauding your obedience to Him. Is it not worth it?
I am now free from that fear. I'm out of that protective shell! It is a good thing because we are going to become more conspicuous in the days to come. For those that have been faithfully doing as the Father directs, the LIGHT within shining to a lost and dying world will burn brighter and brighter. We will not be able to hide it.
It's your turn! Get out of that shell! Arise and SHINE!
Sherry Evans
Sherry Evans is an evangelist and co-pastor who flows in the gifts of healing and miracles. She ministers in healing services, as well as teaches others how to see the sick healed. Sherry has a desire to see Believers, who have been set free themselves, go on to set others free. She ministers in such a way to build faith and to ignite churches and groups to bring in the harvest. Sherry lives in Ashtabula County, Ohio, along with her husband.