Wednesday, December 24, 2014

"God, Do You Think I'm Wise Enough?

Tiffany Ann Lewis, Rexford, NY
Breath of Heaven
Then the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His Kingdom there will be no end." Then Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I do not know a man?" And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:30-35

Our worship team sang one of my favorite songs recently at church, "Breath of Heaven." This song portrays possible fears and worries that Mary might have been experiencing as she considers the reality of saying,"Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be done according to Your word" (Luke 1:38). My eyes welled up with tears as we sang verse three: (Photo via Flickr)
Breath of Heaven
Do you wonder as you watch my face
If a wiser one should have had my place
But I offer all I am
For the mercy of Your plan
Help me be strong
elp me be
Help me...
Breath of Heaven
Hold me together
Be forever near me
Breath of Heaven
Breath of Heaven
Lighten my darkness
Pour over me Your holiness
For You are holy

You see, as a pastor of a new church going through her first Christmas, I too wonder, Should a wiser one than me be doing this? I am gripped with concern as I consider the joy and sorrow of the families in front of me and tremble as I attempt to hold the hearts of God's precious children during this most tender time of the year. We all can identify with this type of worry no matter what we are called to do for the Kingdom of God. You see, we are all called, as Mary was, to bring forth Jesus to a world that is in desperate need for faith, hope, and love. Yet, I think we all wonder, God, do you think I am wise enough?

Can you identify? If so, let me introduce you to a gentleman by the name of Bezalel in the Book of Exodus. The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship" (Exodus 31:2-3). (Photo via Wikipedia)

God had given Bezalel the enormous task of creating the furniture that would go in the Tabernacle so that God could dwell with His children. Now, we're not just talking any home here, we are talking the HOUSE OF GOD! Bezalel was to work with gold, silver, and precious jewels and make a masterpiece for the Master of the universe according to the pattern of His design that He created in Heaven. Easy peasy...NOT!

I love to decorate and have even been hired to decorate homes for Christmas. The specific thing I like to do is to take family memories, old treasures, and create something modern and fresh. I say all this simply because I understand the pressure of trying to make someone's home something special for them.

Scripture doesn't reveal if Bezalel had any of the doubts and fears that we all face. It doesn't reveal if he wondered if he was wise enough for the job. I can only imagine what must have been running through Bezalel's head when he got commissioned to the task. However, what Scripture does reveal is that God called him and filled him with His Spirit in order to do what he was called to do.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV

This portion of Scripture tucked away in the Book of Exodus is there to speak to us even today. You see, there was a reason God used a person named Bezalel and that it is recorded in the pages of Scripture for all of us to read. Names were very important in Biblical times and often expressed character and destiny.

Bezalel (pronounced Betzal'el;Strong's #1212) means: "in the shadow of God, i.e. protection of God." We see this in a beloved passage of Scripture, Psalm 91: "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.' Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler" (Psalm 91:1-4). (Photo by Lillis Boyer "Healing in His Wings" via

To dwell in the shadow of the Almighty is to dwell in the shadow of El Shaddai, the All Sufficient God. When we dwell in His presence, we have exactly what we need for whatever situation or task we are called to. You see, when we dwell in God, we dwell in all that He is. We dwell in His love, His joy, His peace, His patience, His strength, His wisdom, His justice, His compassion, His grace. The list goes on and on.

God is searching for people who will allow Him to overshadow them and be filled with power from on high and to bring hope to the hurting. Beloved, it is God who empowers us to perform whatever He has called us to today. Whether it is to give a kind answer to the person who is yelling at you, to be a listening ear to the one who is overwhelmed, or a genuine embrace to the one who is hurting, God will equip you to do it.
Breath of Heaven
old me together
Be forever near me
Breath of Heaven
Breath of Heaven
Lighten my darkness
Pour over me Your holiness
For You are holy
Breath of Heaven
Don't be afraid; be the gift God has created you to be. Allow Him to use you to deliver Jesus to those in need this Christmas and beyond. Amen and Amen.
Merry Christmas!

Tiffany Ann Lewis
Dancing With the Flame of the LORD Ministries


Tiffany Ann Lewis is an enthusiastic Bible teacher with a unique focus on Biblical Hebrew and a worshiper of God whose heart has been awakened by a God who sees us in our shortcomings and loves us in spite of them all. He calls out to us so we can live fully free from the trappings of guilt and shame, because we are accepted in the Beloved, Christ Jesus (see Ephesians 1:6). She is passionate about empowering individuals through the Word of God, knowing it will instill a deeper devotion to Him and give them hope for the journey.

Tiffany Ann and her husband Rodney have been married for twenty-five years and have one darling daughter, Ashley, a glorious granddaughter, Gloriana, and two pups that are also a part of their precious family. They live in upstate New York where Tiffany is pastor at Crossroadz Christian Church in Rexford, New York.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

What Does a Boundary Look Like?

Galatians 6:5-7 – “For each one should carry their own load. Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

The parents of a twenty-five-year-old man came to see me with a common request: they wanted me to “fix” their son, Bill. When I asked where Bill was, they answered, “Oh, he didn’t want to come.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Well, he doesn’t think he has a problem,” they replied.

“Maybe he’s right,” I said, to their surprise. “Tell me about it.”

They recited a history of problems that had begun at a very young age. Bill had never been “quite up to snuff” in their eyes. In recent years he had exhibited problems with drugs and an inability to stay in school and find a career.

It was apparent that they loved their son very much and were heartbroken over the way he was living. They had tried everything they knew to get him to change and live a responsible life, but all had failed. He was still using drugs, avoiding responsibility, and keeping questionable company.

They told me that they had always given him everything he needed. He had plenty of money at school so “he wouldn’t have to work and he would have plenty of time for study and a social life.” When he flunked out of one school, or stopped going to classes, they were more than happy to do everything they could to get him into another school, “where it might be better for him.”

After they had talked for a while, I responded: “I think your son is right. He doesn’t have a problem.” You could have mistaken their expression for a snapshot; they stared at me in disbelief for a full minute. Finally the father said, “Did I hear you right? You don’t think he has a problem?”

“That’s correct,” I said. “He doesn’t have a problem. You do. He can do pretty much whatever he wants, no problem. You pay, you fret, you worry, you plan, you exert energy to keep him going. He doesn’t have a problem because you have taken it from him. Those things should be his problem, but as it now stands, they are yours. Would you like for me to help you help him to have some problems?”

They looked at me like I was crazy, but some lights were beginning to go on in their heads. “What do you mean, ‘help him to have some problems’?” his mother asked.

“Well,” I explained, “I think that the solution to this problem would be to clarify some boundaries so that his actions cause him problems and not you.”

“What do you mean, ‘boundaries’?” the father asked.

“Look at it this way. It is as if he’s your neighbor, who never waters his lawn. But, whenever you turn on your sprinkler system, the water falls on his lawn. Your grass is turning brown and dying, but Bill looks down at his green grass and thinks to himself, ‘My yard is doing fine.’ That is how your son’s life is. He doesn’t study, or plan, or work, yet he has a nice place to live, plenty of money, and all the rights of a family member who is doing his part.

“If you would define the property lines a little better, if you would fix the sprinkler system so that the water would fall on your lawn, and if he didn’t water his own lawn, he would have to live in dirt. He might not like that after a while. As it stands now, he is irresponsible and happy, and you are responsible and miserable. A little boundary clarification would do the trick. You need some fences to keep his problems out of your yard
and in his, where they belong.”

“Isn’t that a bit cruel, just to stop helping like that?” the father asked.

“Has helping him helped?” I asked.

His look told me that he was beginning to understand.

From Bible Gateway . . .

Thursday, December 18, 2014

REST : Recreating the I Am in Me

This is a profound word . . .

Rest is a place where we take our identity in God, and promises 
He’s spoken over our lives, and move forward in faith towards 
what we cannot see. Whatever your circumstances, ask for 
courage to step out in faith towards the promised land!

Why Unhealed People Attract Unhealthy Relationships


Boundaries-UnhealedUnhealed relational wounds drive us to compulsive attempts to repair the damage. That is, without being aware of it, we seek out people we believe can “fix” what’s wrong with us or help us find a piece of ourselves we feel is missing. We function emotionally like the starving man who looks in a dumpster and sees lunch instead of garbage. His perception is so driven by his need that he is willing to eat something that might make him sick.
Though we may not be aware of it, something in us wants completeness. God has “set eternity in the human heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11), and we long for him and the full life he promises. But if we remain unaware of the powerful forces at work within us, such as our family dynamic and how we responded to it, we can be blind to its influence and seek out the completeness we lack by making all the wrong choices. For example, consider the following scenarios:
  • The overly nice person lacks assertiveness and the ability to confront, so he attracts controlling and aggressive people.
  • The overly angry person can’t allow herself to feel helpless or sad, so she finds empathic people who won’t confront her moods.
  • The rigid, black-and-white person is not able to let go of control, so he seeks out spontaneous, creative people who won’t try to control him.
  • The over-responsible, guilt-ridden person lacks self-care, so she finds self-absorbed people who care for no one but themselves.
Of course, the problem is that these kinds of responses do not reflect God’s intentions for us. And they don’t lead to healthy or fulfilling connections.
These missing pieces are part of what is called the “internalization process.” We become who we are by incorporating experiences that we have with other people. On a developmental level, kids come into this life incomplete. In the process of healthy development, they receive safety and acceptance and develop assertiveness, self-control, and self-care that prepare them for life on their own. Once internalization is complete, we become functioning adults who are called to pursue wholeness; or, in Jesus’ words, “What I’m saying is, Grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity” (Matthew 5:48).
What Jesus means is that he wants us to be mature and complete. But we are not complete. We have missing pieces—soul holes we carry from childhood into adulthood. The path to completeness or wholeness is to find a relational context, such as a healthy church, small group, mentor, or therapist, who can help us finish the emotional work that enables us to grow into the capacities we lack and become who we are meant to be.
This is especially important in romantic relationships, where there is often a glitch in our emotional hardware. We feel strongly that the other person will complete us, but not in the way I am describing. It is not about becoming more connected, intimate, assertive, or real. It is about being in the presence of someone else who has those attributes without having to take responsibility to learn them.
“You complete me” is a great line from the movie, “Jerry Maguire,” but it doesn’t work in real relationships. You can’t outsource health. You must learn it all and take it inside your skin. Complete people then attract other complete people. That is why most of us need to put less energy into romance and more into personal growth. It pays off later in romance.
Understanding your missing pieces also pays off in other ways. Perhaps your concern isn’t about a marriage or dating relationship. It may be that the difficult relationship you need to address is with your parents, siblings, or a person from your childhood. Or it’s about a work relationship. Whatever your interest, you will find great benefit, in looking at the missing pieces, to understanding why things ended up like they did. The more information, the better for you.
Beyond Boundaries_smDon’t let unhealed relational wounds or the pain of a past relationship affect your future. You can prevent the past from repeating itself. Read Beyond Boundaries to discover how to tell who you can trust, when the time is right to be vulnerable, and learn the keys to identify a healthy relationship.
Click here to read a sample chapter, watch a free video, and purchase your copy.

Monday, December 15, 2014

An Updated Summary Of The 12 Celestine Insights

by James Redfield

Below, I have revealed the ways, in which, I recall the Insights to myself. Remember, each Insight (level of experience) leads to the next, as we build the culture to come.
1- Noticing Synchronicity
woman on rocksSYNCHRONICITY is the entry point, the measure of whether we’re connected spiritually. These “meaningful coincidences” are tiny miracles steering us toward the good life. They are always seeking first, to awaken us, and then to allow us to be guided by a spiritual connection to the unfolding of our intended destiny.  Staying in a state of alert expectation concerning the major questions of our lives, or the help we need, increases the frequency of Synchronistic answers. The secret is remembering, first thing in the morning, to watch for these magical synchronistic moments.
2- The World has a “Spiritual Design”
This step in consciousness happens when we look back on the spiritual journey of humanity throughout history. We see that we are in a new phase of human progress. Humanity is now awakening from a materialistic worldview and moving into a new outlook that recognizes “spiritual design.” This desig10655174_10152796696648431_7563409303436806815_on rewards an attitude of “helping others” and “making the world better.” When we adopt this new world perspective, our soul’s dream, of our mission, comes to us, and we move toward this destiny by a near miraculous “Intuition and Synchronistic Flow.” Thus, we are learning to make our way in the world by finding a spiritual connection and allowing ourselves to be guided. In this way, we’re discovering a more detailed understanding of how the world genuinely works. Together, with this insight, we can shape another historical era of inspirational life for generations to come.
3- “Giving” The Karmic Design
We integrate the THIRD INSIGHT when we realize the Universe is not a dead, uncaring place. It is an energetically connected environment that is spiritually constructed to bring our greatest dreams into fruition. All we have to do is align our lives with the Universe’s ruling principal: GIVING.
To create this new “world view,” we must understand and live in alignment with the Universe’s Karmic Design. We begin to fulfill the latest discoveries of Quantum Physics. As we open up to Synchronicity and Intuitive guidance, we realize that we, in fact, we share minds with one another and the Di10708766_10152803501188431_8683914164958400659_ovine. The path to this majestic life -lies NOT in ruling others or taking what we want. It lies in always looking out for the “best interests” of others, and at the same time, striving to perceive something they need in order to manifest their dreams. If we give them this information, it feels Synchronistic to them and elevates their lives.
What’s more, when we practice improving in this way, it creates an immediate karmic effect in our lives. When we help others, we karmically begin to attract people into our lives who act the same way; they in turn, help us. These helpers are also being given intuitive suggestions of how they can help us. We experience their aid as exactly what we need at that very moment to extend our destined flow in life.
When we adopt this outlook, and ask ourselves how we can be of service to another, our minds connect more deeply with the Divine mind and our intuitive capacity thus opens up. As this happens, we receive an intuition suggesting a specific way this person needs information or direct aid. The key is always to seek to be a Synchronicity for others, by giving them just the right information and help they call for at the time of our encounter with them.
In this way, we begin to experience the transforming reality of becoming an “agent of the Divine.” (Think, “what would God do to help, if he couldn’t come and instead sent me”). The wish to help others opens up our Divine connection and strengthens our union with higher intelligence.
We also can prove to ourselves by noticing what happens if we decide to pursue the opposite course in life, and become not a giver but a taker. The same karmic principal is in effect. If you take, you’ll draw people who take from you. If we manipulate others or steal energy for our personal gain, we find that we are being treated the same way ourselves. This is not for punishment; it is to allow us to feel what we are doing to others, and come back into alignment with the way the world is designed to work.
Thus, by getting into alignment with Karmic design and helping, we attract more desirable, life enhancing, connections with others; injecting Synchronicity into our lives. Therefore, GIVING to others brings forth the exact Divine coincidences needed for our dreams to come true.  All we have to do is participate.
4- Human Control Dramas
10547971_10152809828253431_2589739326666144156_oWhen we seek the ethic of giving and not taking from, or manipulating others, we step into consciousness. We begin to detect our ego’s past manipulation devices,–Control Dramas– we have used to build ourselves up at another’s expense. If we are mindful and catch ourselves every time we begin our “Control Drama,” eventually, our “Control Drama” falls away completely. The dramatics begin to fall away until we can stop ourselves before we ever lapse into such a climax. Now, through giving, we can move forward Synchronistically in freedom — ready to experience, even more, extraordinary moments of God’s connection.
5-  The Spiritual Connection
We breakthrough, at least momentarily, to experience a moment that seems to move us past our normal level of consciousness and we sense an ultimate connection. Sometimes, this event comes through a “spiritual practice” we’ve found that brings us to this 10511528_10152813389013431_2609475995930378859_omoment. It could be a peak experience at a house of worship, or through prayer, meditation, music, communing with nature or a host of other points of entry.
Instantly, we receive a “fast forward” boost in our sense of well-being, peace, and even blissfulness. An experience described by prophets and saints as a greater sense of knowing and wisdom, and the deep emotion of love. Convincing us even more by “foretelling” that spiritual consciousness is real and provides a look ahead to the levels of awareness -the ultimate goal of spiritual evolution.
6- Sensing A Life Mission 
10733721_10152817899503431_3940668005837459297_oExperiencing moments of  profound “Spiritual Connection” opens us to the 6th Insight. We begin to receive a sense of clarity for where Synchronicity is taking us; what our “Life Direction” might be. This consciousness brings the strong Intuitions and guides us to our mission is in this life. This could fall within any area of human endeavor.  The areas of life: from relationships to finding passion in a career (education, business, medicine, or government services.)  It is usually a vague glimpse of our future destiny, one that invokes in us a heightened sense of inspiration and fulfillment. Though somewhat undetermined, our Intuitions can stand as a general goal that will help us understand, and follow, our Synchronistic path and help us move forward.
7- Following Intuition
With our mission in mind, and our lives move forward, we begin to notice Synchronicities aimed at our ultimate calling. In this buildup of consciousness, we become aware of our Intuitive Guidance at a higher level. Through practicing MINDFULNESS, we can distinguish thoughts that are Intuitions from mere calculative thoughts. Calculative thoughts are words that run through our minds as we make decisions, as though we are talking to ourselves. Intuitions, however, are not part of our deliberation over a problem or goal.
Intuitions come from a superior part of our intelligence. They naturally appear in the back of our minds as clarifying ideas on how to proceed. In short, they are ideas that sometimes seem too random, spontaneous, and not logical, but upon greater interpretation they can be observed to apply perfectly to the situation at hand.
Once we begin to identify guiding intuitions in this way, we realize how we have been missing them in the past. One way to clarify the different types of thought, is to ask yourself, “Why did I think of this now?”
Once we learn to identify intuitions, we realize how they bring forth Synchronicity (another elevation of awareness occurring). First, we receive an Intuitive picture (an urge) to end or begin something, to solve a problem, or to pursue some line of interest. Then, if we follow the guidance diligently with MINDFULNESS, an important Synchronistic breakthrough will take place — thus leading our lives forward to our greater calling. In this way, following your Intuitions is the key to increasing our Synchronistic Flow and maintaining our flow of destiny.
8- Giving Energy Increases Synchronistic Experiences
Once we clearly see the process of Synchronicity, what we observe most often is PEOPLE provide many of our Synchronistic experiences; yet, sometimes others do not feel comfortable talking to us. (Related to the commonly used, “first-impression theory.”)
As a result, we end up leaving that encounter feeling as though we missed out on something they were supposed to tell us.
We find another step-up in consciousness when we grasp the solution to this problem. We must adopt an addition ethic toward others, which enhances our attitude of giving, as we communicate with them. We must actively “uplift” others by visualizing an expression of a higher connected consciousness in their eyes and on their face…Continue to visualize them moving above their ego into an authentic, united state. As a result of this, not only is the person lifted into a greater level of experience, they are more likely to intuit some message they have for us.
9- Fulfilling Human Destiny
We can now see how if everyone were practicing this virtue of “uplifting others” we would quickly accelerate the spiritual transformation of the world. It works this way: when someone uplifts us we feel it as increased energy because we receive a greater experience with the Divine Mind. When we return this energy, it moves our heightened energy back into them. Both people doing this creates a hot-house effect back and forth, where both people feel their Divine Connection getting stronger and stronger. Think of the “where two gather” phenomenon. When this goes viral, then everyone can quickly identify their life missions and can Synchronistically move to the right place of service.10655214_10152834104878431_2903357448429093879_o
As we embrace a continuous experience of Synchronicity, millions of individuals will be unleashed to follow their destinies — and we will all find a place in the working world in need of freedom from corruption. In this way, all the institutions of life are moved toward a perfect level of functioning. Capitalism itself, business at every level, food production, the problems of poverty, chemical pollution, and Government regulation will all become enlightened.
This enlightened Conscious evolution works because it happens through an effort all at once, replacing the top down efforts by corrupt governments. The result is an economic development that frees up more and more time for individuals to pursue higher energy states directly with others. Eventually, the basic needs of humanity can then all be automated and provided, as we focus on Synchronicities that will carry us to ever greater spiritual consciousness. Over time, such growth will transform us into a spiritual form and unite our current dimension with the after-life dimension, ending the cycle of birth and death. Humanity’s destiny is, gradually, to bring the intelligence that inspires the Heavenly realms into the Earthly Domain.
10- Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
At this level of expanded consciousness, we become clearly aware of the life and death cycle of humanity. The Afterlife becomes, not as an abstract idea, but as a real place with real activities. As this rapid spiritualization continues, the veil between Earth and Heaven begins to part, and we rise to sense and feel those in the afterlife with a new reality. According to polls, the most frequently mentioned spiritual experience is those having contact with a recently departed loved one. Usually, they want to convey that they’re fine, but just as often they are trying to help us in some way. They are active in our lives on Earth. Our Insight is that departed friends and loved ones are close to us, sending us messages, reminders and uplifting us into our missions.
Before we are born, we have a vision of this mission. When we get here, it goes unconscious as we are being educated. Then, as we move through the stages of life, it comes back into awareness. First, as attractions and amazing Synchronicities that are trying to wake us up. Followed by, a full-blown, inspiring goal. With this Insight, we are making the higher meaning of life more conscious and self-evident while leading more people to catch the vision, and thus accelerate both their lives and the progress of the world.
11- The Power of Prayer
1398272_10152844498988431_5441590089408177880_oIn this level of consciousness, we become more purpose driven and receptive to how those in the afterlife are lifting us up. We begin to comprehend the real nature of prayer and guided purpose. We realize that prayer works within Karmic design. The more we are in alignment with the principle of giving — and our inner intuition to accurately help others — we will sense our heightened, creative power and see it working through our prayers. When we use this power for uplifting the spiritual consciousness of others, we draw more powerful people into our lives to uplift us. The key is discovering that affirmative prayer, practiced with the emotion of gratitude (it WILL happen), establishes the strongest faith validity.
12-  The Sensation of God’s Presence Inside Us
Armed with Divine confidence, we begin to take the next step to self-knowledge. We experience times when a greater sense of Divine begins to dwell within us. This indwelling feels like a sense of God’s presence. We still have our personal identity but this status become subservient to a complete consciousness of love, patience, and openness to the action. For this presence to remain or get more powerful, we must be totally transcendent of our “Control Dramas,” or moments where we do not act on our intuition of other people’s best interest. In this sense, Divine presence is always there, unless our bad habits 10257830_10152853450268431_633002892442117536_oputs distance between us.
Simply put, the process is this: when we’re not in the flow, we feel disconnected and either anxious or frustrated. So we distract ourselves with various compulsive activities designed to make our misery go away. It could be anything from over-shopping, compulsively watching sports or celebrities, actual addictive behavior, and from sex to drugs. Everyone knows what his or her’s vices are, including you, and transcending it keeps you in touch with the magic of Synchronicity.
Feeling God’s familiar presence, you will sense the flow of your destiny unfolding (at any age) and move into sincere awareness of the distractions and addictions your ego has always devised to sidetrack yourself.
The presence then becomes non-duel, existing both within and outside of us at the same time. When we are acting in Karmic alignment, it brings us an even greater, intuitive knowledge that animates the truth we tell to others. This enlarges us beyond our wildest dreams, providing we always act in harmony and recognition of it. We must never walk into a room without consciously realizing how His presence moves into the room with us. He keeps us in a relative zone of near miraculous helping. Furthermore, by getting into alignment with this design, you set the stage for the complete integration of all the insights and sustained higher consciousness as the levels work together automatically.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

"Checkmate! A Vision of a Heavenly Chessboard"

"Checkmate! A Vision of a Heavenly Chessboard"
Lana Vawser, Sydney, Australia
I have had the theme of alignment on my heart all year, and have felt that there is a specific alignment happening this year for the Body of Christ as they seek Him. Alignment in their relationships with Him, alignment in destiny and purpose/callings and alignment with fulfilment of promises and provision.

This is indeed a time of promotion, and the Lord is looking for those who are devoted to Him and what He is doing in the earth. He is looking for those who are hungering for more of Him and living in expectant surrender. He is moving powerfully in this new day.
Strategic Movement
I saw a picture of a chessboard and there was "strategic movement" taking place. I sensed the Lord was comforting His people and encouraging them to relax and rest in Him despite the shaking. There was much transition going on, much change and reshuffling happening, and God's people were feeling uneasy and unsettled.

In the midst of this "strategic movement" that has been taking place, it has brought a reshuffling feeling into lives where many within the Body of Christ no longer feel anything is stable. The Lord is bringing His people deeper; deeper to that glorious place of dependence upon Him as their anchor. This anchoring being the very preparation for what the Lord is about to do.
The Lord is bringing greater purity and devotion into the hearts of His people as they continue to look to Him for all things through the shaking and transition. In this shaking He is removing the things that would hinder the people of God as they move into the new day and level.

His love is so beautiful and great that He wants His people well prepared to move forward in victory. What the Lord is releasing now, the weight of His Glory being released, is requiring greater alignment in the hearts of His people in their focus, devotion and wholeness.
I saw the people of God in different places on this chessboard. Some were already moving in the breakthrough, some still waiting, some slumped down and tired, and some feeling defeated with other enemy pieces standing on top of them so they could not move. In all positions where the people of God were, I saw lines and lines of enemy pieces forming a blockade before them, and it was preventing the people of God from moving forward into what the Lord had laid out for them. (Photo via Pixabay)

Problems, circumstances and hindrances suddenly began arising for many IN the release of His promises to them and were attempting to rob hope and bring doubt into their hearts and minds and this was trying to rob the people of God of the manifestation of His promises He was releasing. I saw as these enemy pieces were forming their blockade they were about to "charge" and wreak havoc upon the people of God.

I then heard the booming voice of the Lord and He said,"REMEMBER, I AM," and as soon as He spoke the whole board shook and the eyes of the people of God suddenly aligned back to Him. REMEMBER HIS PROMISES NO MATTER WHAT! REMEMBER HE IS ALL YOU NEED. HE IS THE ALL SUFFICIENT ONE AND HAS ALL UNDER CONTROL. HIS FAITHFULNESS WILL, WILL, WILL BE SEEN.

As the eyes of God's people were set into Him like a FLINT, the Lord spoke again: "CHECKMATE!" (Definition of checkmate: an act or instance of manoeuvring the opponent's king into a check from which it cannot escape, thus bringing the game to a victorious conclusion.)

Suddenly, the presence of God fell as a heavy glorious cloud of His Glory upon this chessboard. I watched as this cloud of His Glory was upon the board; and once the cloud lifted, I then saw the enemy opponents were all caged. They were brought to a position here they could not escape. The plans of the enemy to bring about any more havoc were thwarted, and in places where the enemy had brought destruction, there was total restoration.
It was the removal of obstacles so the FULL victory of the Lord would be seen in the very areas His people were contending for. Suddenly they were free to move forward in power and all hindrances removed. The victory of the Lord was seen SUDDENLY!

No matter what stands before you, threatening you to move into the promises of God, LOOK TO HIM COMPLETELY WITH UNDIVIDED FOCUS and you shall see the heavenly effects of the Lord speaking, "CHECKMATE," and the alignment you are stepping into is higher than you imagined. You will see what God has done is much bigger and better than you imagined and the unveiling of the "next step" will be unfathomable in its goodness. You will not be able to contain the revelation of His goodness that He has to release to you in this season. You will lift Him higher!
Many Who Lost Their Voice Are Going to Sing Again, and Sing Like Never Before
I also saw many who lost their voice to sing praises to Him again because of circumstances, disappointment, doubt and transition which had stolen their voice. He is coming to meet you! As you encounter Him and His glorious kindness and love overwhelm your heart and refreshes you, leading you back into alignment through repentance and His heavenly hugs, there is an emotional alignment taking place. (Photo via Wikimedia)

There is a wholeness and healing coming to you again. You will receive your voice back. You will sing again, and you will sing louder and give Him higher praise than you ever have. You will see that through this time of transition, He has bubbled to the surface the chains that would have caused great havoc in the future, in the "release" of your destiny. So He has brought you to a place where you'll be healed and be able to move forward into the release with integrity, wholeness, and healing so that there are no major areas which the enemy can come in and bring you down.

You are being strategically placed and will not only sing again, but move forward with tremendous strength, faithful stewardship, devotion to Him with a heart of thanksgiving, praise, and love to and for Him. Your heart is being greater aligned to the Father's amazing heavenly design of YOU. You are becoming more of the YOU He created you to be.

Do not allow bitterness, doubt or discouragement to rob you in this season. Hold tight to Him and know He is 100% good all the time, and everything He does is 100% good. He is working all things for your good and making you strong in Him so you will not be swallowed up by promotion, breakthrough and abundance as it comes, and not tripped up by the enemy or squashed by doubt.

Hindrances will be removed and you are taking your strategic heavenly designed place!


Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser is married to Kevin, and they are living in Australia with their two sons. Lana and Kevin's heart is to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. They have a heart to see people free and walking in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day. Lana preaches regularly and ministers prophetically, through both the pulpit and the Internet, calling people into a constant pursuit of His heart and hearing His voice for themselves and others.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"Louder and Louder! The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand!"

The Key To Changing How You Look At Things
According to Matthew 4:17, when Jesus stepped into His earthly ministry, the recurring word that He shared with people was, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is here." When Jesus ministered to lost, sick, oppressed, fearful, doubtful, confused, deceived or hurting people, His first encouragement to them was to "repent." And it's the same today because repentance is a key to the Kingdom of Heaven invading our lives.
For too long, too many have approached the word "repent" as if it means to hang our heads in shame over our sins. And if we repent of our sins, then the Kingdom of Heaven can invade and we might see breakthrough in the challenging areas of our lives. But that really isn't what "repent" means. The word in the Greek that Jesus uses in Matthew 4:17 is "metanoeo," and what this powerful and important word means is "to think differently."
Jesus is giving us a key when He invites us to repent. It is not a key to guilt and shame that will make us feel bad about what we have done because the Kingdom of God hovers nearby in judgment. It is a key to changing how we look at things, to shifting our perspective from the report of the world and the view of our current circumstances, to the expectation of the goodness of God and reality of His Kingdom that is right there to grab hold of in all things at all times, no matter what. (Photo by Lillis Boyer "Springs of Life Key" via
Repentance does not bring the Kingdom to us. The Kingdom is right there all along. Repentance is the willingness to turn away from mindsets and behavior patterns of the past that have trapped us in sin and negative behavior, and shift our way of thinking and level of expectation to that of the reality that the Kingdom of God is at hand for us right now. We just need to see it. We just need to change our focus from our circumstances to His Kingdom. We just need to repent.
Repentance absolutely involves a turning away from sin, but it is not a behavioral thing performed from guilt and shame in the hopes that if we do better God might bless us. No, true repentance causes us to embrace the conviction of the Lord and turn from sin because all of a sudden we see things from a different perspective. All of a sudden we see things from the perspective of Heaven on earth.
All of a sudden we are gratefully aware that death, destruction, depression, disease, or any other manifestation of darkness is not our portion – no matter what the report of our past or present might be. Who in their right mind would want to sin when they realize that the fullness of Heaven is simply a choice of agreement and change of perspective away? Repentance is Jesus' key for us that helps us get into the right(eous) mind!
His Word, His Promises, His Perspective, His Eternal Truth – Will Become Louder and Louder For You
Consider the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17. Her region is in the midst of a massive, long-term drought. The report of the world and of her circumstances is nothing but poverty, lack despair, and death. When we first meet her in verses 10-12, she is out gathering sticks for a fire so that she can go home, cook her last meal, and then die. But the prophet Elijah shows up with the word of the Lord offering a different perspective. He tells her not to be afraid (see 1 Kings 17:13), not to give into the negative report of the world, but instead embrace a Kingdom opportunity to step into supernatural abundance.
She chooses to believe. She chooses to change how she looks at things from the lack of her temporal circumstances and shift into the perspective of Heaven's eternal truth that with God there is always enough. She chooses to repent, to change how she thinks about things, and when she does she opens a portal of plenty in her life.
Right now secular media is shouting the report that the world is in crisis. Economies are collapsing. Jobs are disappearing. Disease is running rampant. Wars are raging. Despite how loud the voice of the world might be, God has a promise for you. It is the same one He gave Abram in Genesis 15:1 – "Fear not...I AM...Thy exceeding great reward."
That word "exceeding" in the Hebrew is "m'od," and one of its meanings is "louder and louder." I am believing that as you read this devotional and pray through the prayer directives, God's voice – His word, His promises, His perspective, His eternal truth – will become louder and louder for you until it drowns out every negative report that would trap you in fear or lack of any kind. Instead of heeding the report of the world, you will repent – change how you look at things – and enter into the expectation of the goodness of God in every situation you face. (Photo via Pixabay)
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, we simply need to reach out and take hold of it by declaring its eternal truth louder and louder than our temporary circumstances. That's called decreeing His word. And it always produces fruit (see Isaiah 55:11).
Prayer Directives
So let's pray this month that:
[1] The certainty of God's Word and the reality of His Kingdom will become "louder and louder," drowning out the report of the world and all negativity.
[2] A spirit of repentance will come upon us, gracing us to shift our way of thinking and looking at things so that we have Heaven's perspective in all things at all times.
[3] Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, and as Holy Spirit fills and overflows each of us, we will be free of all fear and full of faith in every battle God blesses us with.
[4] There is always enough with God, and portals of plenty will open in every Believer's life so that we have supernatural abundance in every area – provision, health, favor, love, peace, joy, wisdom, faith, compassion, kindness, revelation, and intimacy with God.
[5] We will arise and shine as the Body of Christ, shining His love, light, and life brighter and brighter even if the world gets darker and darker.
[6] As we walk in a different spirit and expectation than that of the world, the lost will take note and seek us out for the source of our peace and plenty, and they will come to know Jesus through what they see of Him in our lives.
Robert Hotchkin
XP Ministries 
Robert Hotchkin ministers with Patricia King and XP Ministries. He fervently believes every Christian is a miracle-working explosion of the Kingdom waiting to happen. His preaching, teaching, and ministry inspires Believers to grab hold of their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the Cross and walk the earth as Jesus did – destroying every work of darkness everywhere they go! Rob is a passionate lover of Jesus Christ, and that passion is truly contagious! He ministers with strong faith, releasing revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. He is a true carrier of the glory and revival. People have been healed, refreshed, set free, and empowered through his life. He believes for Heaven to impact lives and regions everywhere he goes.

Craziest Birth Ever! - MUST READ!

Craziest Birth Ever! – 

Must Read


This morning I woke up laughing. Have you ever had a dream so vivid 
yet so crazy that it just made you laugh? Well thats what happened to 
me at 9:30am this morning. 

We are just getting to know each other, so I want to introduce my wife 

and 5…count them 5 boys. Pictured above is Caleb (11), Noah (9), 
Elijah (6), Israel (3), and Isaac (1).  Of course also pictured here is the 
reason why I am blessed with so many wonderful children, and also 
the reason why I have retained my sanity with such a motley crew! 
This is my beautiful wife of 12 (almost 13 years), Mandi. 
I had to introduce you to my crew so you’d understand how absurd 
this dream was. See Mandi and I have decided that, unless by a 
divine intervention, we are done having children!  However, I found 
myself dreaming of Mandi giving birth again. Now, let me take a 
second and tell you that I immediately started pleading with God 
that I love my children, but I hoped this dream wasn’t prophetic 
about having more children! I woke up laughing and saying 
“God, we need to talk about this one, ha!” He softly assured me 
it wasn’t about having more children, but rather that it was 
prophetic dream. 

Hey! Stop right there! Don’t get ahead of me you see’ers and 

dream interpreters. Let me tell the story. This isn’t your typical 
“Your giving birth to your dreams” message. That much I can 
tell you right now.  Just keep reading.

So the story goes like this….Mandi was laying on the hospital bed.  
She hasbeen there a day or two in labor. She mentioned to the nurse
 that “It would soon be time, the baby was coming” and the nurse 
replied with “Are you sure?” Then, after Mandi glared back at her, 
she said “Okay, I’ll get the doc.”  The nurse left the room and Mandi 
began telling me to “Get someone in here right now, the baby is 
coming!” As it pertains to our history with these things, she always
 knew rightbefore it was about to happen so I stood up to get the 
doctors  and wham! There was the baby laying on the bed. 
One push… one whimpered, grit teeth under the breath scream 
from Mandi and there He was! Supernatural birth compared to the
 hours of labor and pushing that we had with our other children. 
Amazing as that is, and as much as that right there could speak to us, 
that isn’t even where it begins to get wild. Keep reading…
There was barely any blood, and my newly born son Isaiah laid on the 
end of the bed smiling and crying just enough to know everything was 
normal. I ran out of the room to get the doctors and passed nurses as 
they said to Mandi “Hey, you weren’t kidding were you!” with slight 
smirks  “We thought you were exaggerating” undertones in their voice.
Now here’s the crazy part. When I came back in the room, to my 
surprise the newborn was laying on His side next to my 3 year old as 
if he was just hanging out. AND HE WAS TWICE THE SIZE OF 
“Uh”… I said. Thats a big baby! The doctor said “No ones gonna’
 believe this!” He was rather shocked and amazed, even wide eyed 
as he stared. Who could blame him? I was staring and in the same 
shock. What’s more,is the newborn was full clothed with jean shorts, 
tank top and flip flops and said  “Dad lets go!” Yeah. This is where 
I awoke laughing, still in-betweenthe a state of reality and dream 
(alpha state I believe its called).


1. There are some of you who think you’re done birthing things and 
YOUR NOT. God has something still even greater than before for you 
to release into this earth and leave a Godly legacy of MAKING JESUS 
2. Other people may not understand or take you serious when
 you talk about knowing that something is about to birth from your life. 
No one knows where your at in the birth process, like the one giving 
birth. Don’t mind, judge or let influence you, those ney sayers who 
keep telling you its not your time.  Forgive them, for they know not 
what they do. You are in the birth process, not them. Have grace 
with their ignorance because of that. 
3. What you are birthing now is worth the struggle of culturing 
whats inside you to grow. and all of this time you’ve been in waiting, 
you have been in a baby growing process..not delay!
4. Although, growing that inner man has been wearing at times; 
the point in which what has been nurtured internally, becomes 
a visible manifestation, and will supernaturally be accelerated
That is, your one push away from birth. 
SHOCK EVERYONE. God sized destinies, promises, purposes, 
callings, gifting, and anointing are GOD SIZED not man sized. 
The world will see that the things birthed in this season of our
lives are so GOD SIZED that only HE can get the glory. 
The manifestation of your promise, and fulfillment of your purpose 
will be so big they wont even consider that you could receive glory 
from it  for it’s TOTALY SUPER – NATURAL, but they will thank you 
for your obedience. 
6. What you are birthing is that of a quick work in the kingdom
It wont take the typical time needed to mature. It will be accelerated. 
That is why the waiting time has occurred in your life. It is so  your 
maturity can be cultured to steward a mature promise. What you 
are birthing will have the stability, balance, and qualities of that 
which would typically take years and it will stand on its own. 
The impact you are about to make in the kingdom and the world 
alike may come as a surprise. You may have thought it was over 
for you, but the best is yet to come. God still has a work for you 
in this earth. Whatever it is… be it a ministry, a book, a blog, a 
song, boldness in witnessing, preaching, teaching, prophesying, 
edifying, evangelizing, working of miracles and gifts of hearings… 
what ever it is that is being birthed in your life to impact the earth 
will come now in a supernatural way.
Don’t rely on men to tell you when its your time. That’s no better 
than asking a priest to forgive your sins instead of God. You have 
the clock within you. Rely on God, and when its time, get ready to 
see supernatural SIZED manifestations, with GODSPEED, 
Get ready! You’re one push away! Keep feeding that inner man, 
and ready yourself to steward what God is birthing in you!