At the beginning of March, I had an encounter in which I found myself hovering over an expansive, green landscape at the start of daybreak. Despite the lack of light in the vision, I could still see clearly that much of the land varied in its fertility. Some of the areas were green, lush, and budding with life while others appeared to be less nourished with less evidence of life.
Next, I started to hear a low and deep groaning coming from the ground beneath me and heard a Scripture spoken through my spirit: "The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed" (Romans 8:19 NIV).
Suddenly, I was aware of the Lord right beside me and could see that He was completely charged with intense delight. His gaze was fixed intently toward the horizon too, and the entire vision was soon charged with even greater anticipation.
As this was happening, I could hear a song playing through my spirit, one that I had heard a number of times before. It was the very well-known song by the Beatles "Here Comes The Sun," but this time, as with other times, the words had been changed to: "Here come the sons."
The Lord then smiled at me and spoke; His excitement was instantly contagious: "IT'S TIME FOR SON RISE!"
As He spoke, I could feel the dawn submit to His voice and watched as the first ray of sunlight broke through the darkness and its light spread like water flooding the land. Now seeing from a new elevation, I saw that what I had initially perceived to be an open plain or landscape was, in fact, an incredible world-map where every nation on earth was visible.
Can a Nation Be Born In a Day?
The Lord looked over again, smiled, and asked a question: "Can a nation be born in day, Daryl?"
I smiled back, knowing that He was referring to what is written in the Book of Isaiah: "Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?..." (Isaiah 66:8 NKJV).
I continued to watch as the flooding light spread across the landscape below and then quickly transformed into a magnificent multitude of people sprinting. The light now appeared more like liquid fire, and within the light I could see a full spectrum of colours; and, in addition, I could now actually hear it audibly, too.
I now knew that what I had seen at the start of the vision was, in fact, the spiritual condition of each nation and could see fertility and new life burst forth following their exposure to this beautiful light. I knew, too, that this was a vision of the spiritual restoration of the nations and that a global awakening had come – Isaiah's prophecy fulfilled.
In a flash, I saw the title and cover of the "Rising of the New Dawn," the album released by Australian prophet Isi de Gersigny in 2010.
I then heard the Lord speak again and say, "Yes, Daryl, this is the rising of the new dawn, and now the season of singing is here."
Instantly, I felt an insatiable hunger to know the name of what we were about to watch. The curtain on the stage opened and I immediately saw the exact same vision I had at the start of the encounter presented on an incredibly crystal-clear screen on the stage. The image was again dark, as with the vision, and I could make out that creation again was waiting for the sunrise.
The atmosphere inside the heavenly auditorium was absolutely electric, and suddenly the light broke through as before and the scene began to unfold; but this time it was accompanied by a much clearer sound. I could hear the groans of creation as before, but now, in addition to this, there was singing erupting from wherever the light liberated, nourished, and brought forth life. It was truly one of the most beautiful sounds and scenes that I've ever witnessed.
I could see that each nation, when flooded with light, would burst forth with its own song and then these songs would start to harmonise with the other songs being released. This was the most exquisite sound, like that of many violins playing angelic choruses and water rushing all at the same time.
The entire auditorium was filled with light, sound, and colour, which I could see, feel, and sense throughout my whole body. All were in absolute awe, and I found myself needing once again, desperately, to know the name of what I was watching. Suddenly, I had a simultaneous vision of what appeared to be the outside frontage of the auditorium and then a ticket from a box office. Both had same name: "CREATION SINGS."
Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! Psalm 96:1 NLT
I believe that we are in the dawning of a new day, that the sons of God are being revealed, and that their rising will bring healing, transformation, and liberation to the nations. I believe too that this new dawn marks the tipping point for the most magnificent end time move the Earth will have ever seen.
Creation waits!
Daryl Crawford-Marshall is a prophetic equipper, teacher, and revivalist. He and his wife, Belinda, live on the East Coast of Australia and are the Associate Pastors at Jubilee Church, Sydney. Daryl is a man of encounter who has a passion to train others to recognize the voice of God, engage with Heaven, and move in the supernatural. Regularly ministering at churches, healing meetings, and prophetic schools, he is often invited to teach on subjects such as supernatural encounters, spiritual realities, releasing the miraculous, and building healthy prophetic community. Daryl is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council, releasing prophetic words over the nation as well as working alongside churches, businesses, and individuals to provide prophetic insight in a consulting capacity.