Sunday, July 26, 2020

My Crisis of Spirit & How I know

I just listened to : 

I do not know anything about what happened in the past because I wasn't there.  
I am trying to keep an open mind.  
What I do know is "my  own" experience. 
I know for sure there is a Spirit of good that talks to me and teaches me privitissimo. 
If I ask a question ~ I get an answer.  
Somehow I know / am aware of things before they happen in relationship to my family, friends and also sometimes the world. 
I know that I am connected to something greater than I am.  
I do not speak in tongues ~ I never have.  I hear and understand in English or just know without words.  
I believe if I choose ~ somehow I am connected to a higher power.  
I choose to call that power/ entity my Papa God.  

When I was about 44 ~ I had a crisis of Spirit and with my begging the universe for answers ~ I was taken back to my mother's womb and reborn.  
At that moment my DNA changed. Healing happened.  De Ja Vu experiences began.  
I began to see differently and have choices I never saw or understood before. 
As I said before ~ I know what His ~ Story and the Bible say and "my experience" of  my connection of who I am and who He / She is ~  "Trumph's all of it. 

I know I am connected to something much bigger and higher than I am or ever will be.

One more thing ~ 
for Christian's that do not understand or are not yet awake ~
what I just said ~ 
The way back to your mother's womb and further back to your original DNA ~ to the shores of heaven comes from the power in and of the Blood of Christ.  
It is your connection back to Papa God.  
Whether Jesus Christ was a real person or not ~  
Choose to step into the river of Papa God's consciousness through His Son's shed blood for you personally and it will take you / connect you back to your Papa God. 
That is where your transformation begins!