The month of June started for many people with a spiritual gloom. There has been an attack on people's minds to get them to believe the things that God has promised them will never happen. For me, June has been the biggest challenge with my daily prophetic words. I normally get them all very quickly, a month to six weeks in advance. It spiritually felt like trudging through mud this month. This is symbolic of what many people are going through right now. Things are moving slower than normal and not as clear.
Philippians 1:6 (NIV) ..being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
The way to respond in unclear times is to keep moving forward. It's similar to driving through an unexpected fog bank. The sun is still shining above the fog, and it will eventually break through. Remain calm, steady and carry on!
June Is a Time To Complete Things
God is bringing healing to many people who have suffered from "hope deferred" (Proverbs 13:12), or what I call prophetic disappointments. July through the end of the year will be a time of "promises fulfilled." Many things that God has promised you will begin to take shape. We will see lots of movement and relocation.
That being said, June is a time of closure for an old season that is coming to an end. Tie up loose ends, make preparations, and get ready to cross over to a new season starting in July.
New Sound and Creativity
I have had several dreams this month about new music and creativity coming from Heaven. I saw new instruments, including an electronic cello connected to a guitar and a computer. There is new anointing from God coming to musicians, new creative song writing, and new sounds that will open the spiritual realm. Step out and try new things musically.
This new sound from Heaven is intended to create breakthrough in the spiritual realm. It is not limited to churches and will begin to spill over into secular music that has deep spiritual roots. It will have an amazing, positive effect on people.
Trumpet Blast Calls People Into Place
There is a major shifting that is happening right now that will begin to align people into their destiny at a greater pace. We can expect to see a lot of movement and change over the next couple of months. There will be a gathering of people who have been drawn to particular places.
Another aspect of this trumpet blast was to wake people up who have been in reserve. There are many of you who are being reserved or seemingly put on hold for a future time. This time is now! You will get greater revelation as to what and where God is calling you as you step out.
Wounded Warriors Rising
Part of the prophetic word I received with the trumpet blast was that there are "wounded warriors" who are now being refitted and repurposed and will begin to emerge. God reminded me of a scene from the beginning of the movie Dark Knight Rising in which Batman was on the sidelines living in obscurity. Cat Woman (the enemy) breaks into his cave of isolation and robs him of his fingerprints (his identity). This attack motivated him to come out of hiding and get refitted in order to fight back.
There are battle-weary, wounded warriors who have been suffering from rejection and living in isolation. They are coming back on the scene, as the reality of the enemy robbing them will bring about a new strength to fight back. It is interesting that, at the end of the movie, Cat Woman ends up helping Batman. This is a prophetic parable that the enemy must repay for all that is lost. People who were once enemies will become allies.
One of the biggest prophetic messages in the movie Dark Knight Rising was that the superhero could not save the day alone as he did in the past. He had to rely on others. This emphasizes how we need unity in the Spirit like never before.
God is calling people into place right now. Watch for people to rise from obscurity. People who have been previously considered spiritual outcasts will experience a new movement of God's power and love.
Pray that we have eyes to see what God is doing right now! This is an exciting time to be alive.
Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.
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