"Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle." –Erma Bombeck
You may be asking yourself, "What does pregnancy have to do with my life?" Well, a great deal – especially when used in a metaphorical sense. We all know pregnancy can be uncomfortable. The nausea, aching joints, and back pain prove that it's not for the faint of heart!
But for the expectant mother, embracing the challenges is just as important as embracing the dreams for an amazing future of the child yet unborn to time. Will he or she have the grace of Maya Angelou, the courage of Mahatma Gandhi, the conviction of Martin Luther, or the imagination of Steve Jobs?
Just as expectant parents dream of their child's future potential, your heavenly Father dreams of the great potential born within you. He is expectant!
Before you were even conceived, God prepared an assignment for you to accomplish and a purpose for you to fulfill (see Jeremiah 1:5).
Just as expectant parents dream of their child's future potential, your heavenly Father dreams of the great potential born within you. He is expectant!
Before you were even conceived, God prepared an assignment for you to accomplish and a purpose for you to fulfill (see Jeremiah 1:5).
Seasons of Struggle Lead to Your Purpose
There are four things I want to remind you of and encourage you with today:
1. You have been endowed with a unique gift – a representation of Christ that once formed in you can be uniquely revealed through you (see Galatians 4:19).
3. You are not a mistake; you are in the right place at the right time, having been chosen and called by God, "Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians 1:4).
4. You are God's champion in whatever arena He has placed you (see 1 Timothy 6:12). (Photo by Donna Smallenberg "For Such a Time as This" via elijahshopper.com)
However, like King David, you must endure seasons of struggle and stand up to your Goliath-sized challenges before the champion in you is unveiled.
There will be a season when your potential is hidden, another when it is called out. There will be a season of preparation, a season of testing, and finally, a season when it is revealed and refined. You must learn to be patient in the process as God completes the good work He has begun in you according to Philippians 1:6. You must "let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing" (James 1:4).
Delivery Day Will Come: Push
One of the challenges of pregnancy is waiting for the delivery day to arrive. Especially in the last trimester when the weight of the child is felt on every level, a heaviness sets in that may seem unbearable, yet there is nothing to do but wait. Yet even in the waiting, you know delivery day will come.
The Rev. Faisal Malick offers the following advice for such a season: "If you are pregnant with a baby, with a ministry, with a task, you have to give birth to it. If you have not felt new life stir within you for a while, allow the presence and the glory of God to revive it, and then pray for wisdom to carry it."
I decree that whatever it is you are carrying for God will not be miscarried!
I decree that whatever it is you are carrying for God will not be miscarried!
• Strength – to carry the weight of the gifts, calling, and assignment God has given you;
• Support – for co-laborers and prophetic midwives who will help you birth your dreams;
• Insight – to recognize God's provision as it is revealed;
• Discernment – to know when your season for birthing has come.
May God empower and inspire you as you give birth to His purposes in your life!
A best-selling author, high impact teacher, and former senator, Dr. Trimm is a sought-after empowerment specialist, revolutionary thinker, and transformational leader. She has earned a distinguished reputation as a catalyst for change and voice of hope to the nations. Dr. Trimm combines her wealth of leadership expertise with her depth of spiritual understanding to reveal life-transforming messages that empower and inspire. Seasoned with humor, compassion, revelatory insight, and personal candor, Dr. Trimm opens minds and touches hearts with Biblically-based principles of inner healing and personal empowerment. Pulling on her background in government, education, psychology, and human development, Dr. Trimm translates hard-hitting spiritual insights into everyday language that empower individuals to transform their lives—helping change the path people take in search of meaning, dignity, purpose, and hope.
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