Prophetic Declarations and Insights: Fulfillment of His Promises!
As I have been praying and studying in recent weeks. The Holy Spirit has impressed on my soul much about what we will enter into this Jewish new year. The Hebrew calendar for this year is 5775. It is very prophetic as we study and start to understand the meaning of the Hebrew numbers.
The Hebrew calendar began the 24-26th of September, with the 2-day celebration of Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the new year and it means literally "head of the year" in Hebrew. It also marks the beginning of a 10-day period of prayer, self-examination, and repentance ending with Yom Kippur, which is known as the Day of Atonement.
This festival is always celebrated with apples, pomegranates, and honey. This is a prophetic declaration that we will have a sweet new year and see the fulfillment of His promises!
Let me start with leading up to this word with a vision my wife, Jessa, had 2 days ago in Ohio. We were in worship and she saw angels with gold trumpets. They were blowing the trumpets and out of the trumpets came scrolls which were the mysteries, revelation, knowledge and wisdom of the Kingdom of God.
I know as we prepare to move into this new year, God is releasing the true treasures of wisdom, knowledge and understanding so we can get breakthrough and advance His Kingdom. Those scrolls were impartations and blueprints for Kingdom building.
Prophetic Insights for 5775
Below are seven declarations with prophetic insights about the Hebrew number 5775. Be prayerful over each one.
1. When we see in the Spirit with the revelation of this Jewish new year 5775, we now see that this will be a year of the double portion. It is a season of great overflow, blessing, and provision. It is the number for completion, rest, wholeness, and blessing for this new year.
2. It is the time for the Lord to enter into the house of the open door.It is also a time of nourishment, food, and
the sword (in the natural and spiritual) with the Sword of the Spirit (His Word) being triumphant. There is a cutting away of every resistance to His provision.
the sword (in the natural and spiritual) with the Sword of the Spirit (His Word) being triumphant. There is a cutting away of every resistance to His provision.
3. It is also the year of the Crowned King: An apostolic year of Christ and his Sword with a focus on the 5-fold gifts and apostolic ministry.The Hebrew letter for 5 is "Grace" which also speaks of the 5-fold ministry in the Church. Expect a new release and focus on the gifts of the Spirit because there are two 5's in the 5775 causing this year to be double or double grace.
4. "Watch and see" the Lord entering the open doors of our lives and fill the open doors of His house and His people. He is also watching over His word to perform it. This year is represented with an eye (seer) meaning: watching to see, discerning, understanding and knowing. It's a time for renewed watching and seeing.
5. The Year 2015 is over also overlapping with the Hebrew calendar year 5775. It is also a year of resting in the Lord and resting in the promise.This is the time to enter into the land and possess the promises. Taking back the land is a big part of this year's grace. The unique thing about the year 5775 is this is also called the Sabbatical Year where we rest from all of our works and warfare.
7. God is entering in to the open doors of our heart and life, and those who open their churches and businesses to Him. It is a time of fresh creative miracles and prophetic overflow! 5774 was the year of the Open Door, and now 5775 is the year of "Entering into" the Open Doors. The Lord will step with you through the doors that have been open. (Photo via geograph)
It will be an amazing season where the double portion of God will come from Him entering into the hearts with an open door and heart to Him. He is bringing the overflow, nourishment, food, rest, and transformation. The Apostolic release will be manifested in a greater way this year and we will take the sword and contend for our inheritances and will see great victories.
Todd Bentley: Healing evangelist, revivalist, and author, Todd Bentley is the founder of Fresh Fire USA. As a teenager, Todd, an alcoholic and drug addict, had a dramatic life-changing encounter with the saving, delivering power of God. Today, Todd and his Fresh Fire team travel the world to lead the lost into the miraculous, delivered and set free, and launched into the reality of intimate relationship with Jesus. The passion of Todd's life and ministry to the nations is souls and to see others experience the transferable, tangible anointing of the Holy Spirit.
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