Believer, have you ever felt so down, so depressed and hopeless, that you just wanted to completely quit everything? I certainly have. I've been at that "burn out" place many times, and in this past season, it felt as if the flame to all of my passion was snuffed out! I have now realized that this can be a pattern for me. Keep in mind that I do not believe that it is God's best for me to always come to an end of myself...but, at the same time, in order to advance the Kingdom of God, self does have to end. Let me explain this a little further. Hang in there with me; I believe you will be empowered to shift in a greater way into fulfilling God's plans for your life in 2015.
I believe that 2015 will be a season that will require an atmosphere of great expectation. In fact, we will experience many answered prayers because we have "expected" God to move on our behalf. Actually, He desires to answer our prayers because it is also His heart to empower us to continue to advance the Kingdom. It is necessary that, as we gain more spiritual ground, we do not have an attitude of simply maintaining, but to know that breakthrough is given so that we continue advancing! However, the expectations that we have cannot be based upon our own abilities, gifts, and talents – otherwise we will fizzle out eventually. (Ask me how I know!) We must continue to cultivate an atmosphere of faith and expectation in God and His ability to perform what He has promised.
Zechariah 4:1-6 is one of my most favorite passages. For the sake of space, I will keep the revelation of this short; so, my main focus is this particular verse: "Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, 'This is the word of Jehovah unto Zerubbabel, saying, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," saith Jehovah of hosts'" (ASV, with emphasis).
Zerubbabel was given a vision of the candlestick, such as the one in the temple. Again, there is much revelation in this passage, but I want to point out that the Church is also a candlestick, just as Jesus Himself is the candlestick. With the Church in mind, I want to say that Jesus said, "I will build My Church." However, it also up to us to co-labor with Him and allow Him to empower us to work alongside Him to fulfill Heaven's vision for establishing His Kingdom on Earth. It can seem overwhelming at times, especially if we believe it is up to "us" to use "our strength" to build it. I believe that is why the Lord told the prophet that it would not be done by might nor power...but by His Spirit
A Season on Expectation and Answered Prayers!
Precious saint, we are entering into a new season. Yes, we are on the verge of breaking into a realm where Heaven truly touches Earth and we see the results of our prayers from this past season(s). Also, many prayer directives will be given during the night season and through visions. It's not that we haven't been's all about His timing! It's time for a shift. But, it is also time to have an expectation again.
If God said He would build His Church, and if He said that His government would increase, then I am expecting that to occur (see Isaiah 9:7). In this year, we are entering into a season of answered expectations.Therefore, again, it's important to maintain an atmosphere of great expectation. Expect breakthrough, expect miracles, and expect the supernatural manifestation of God. Allow passion to arise once again, knowing that it's not in your own ability to perform these things – it's God promising them!
God moves in atmospheres of expectation. If you remember the story of when Jesus turned the water into wine, Mary, the mother of Jesus, expected something to occur. She went to Jesus and told Him they had completely run out of wine. Allow me to paraphrase His response..."So, what is it to do with Me? My time hasn't come to do miracles yet. The Father hasn't released Me to do anything about that!" Mary turned immediately to the servants, expecting Jesus to still do something about the problem, and said "Get ready...He's about to give you some instructions!" (paraphrased, see John 2).
Can you see that Mary walked in an atmosphere of expectation? Dear one, God desires to do the same for us today. He desires to move on our behalf. Everything we need to advance forward has already been provided at the Cross – yet it is up to us to expect.
Many years ago (actually, almost 40 years now!), I became ill every morning. When I went to the doctor, he said, "Sandie, there's nothing seriously wrong with are expecting!" Of course, we know that for a woman to be "expecting," she is also "pregnant." Believer, are you pregnant with vision? If you are, and let me confirm to you... you are! Therefore, you are "expecting"! Align your thoughts now...and say aloud...I am expecting! I am pregnant with an expectation!
Pregnant With Vision
As Believers in Christ, we need to think differently about being pregnant with vision. It is time to shift our focus from how difficult the season is (like the discomfort a mother might feel during the nine months of carrying a child) developing a spiritual atmosphere of excitement and expectation! As one who was pregnant in the natural, I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that one day I would see the vision of what I was carrying. I "expected" to birth! When we are "expecting," we therefore "expect" to birth! Believers, we must also expect to birth what we have been praying for and believing God to do – for our families, our ministries, for us personally, and in the marketplace.
There are many Biblical examples of those who were pregnant with vision. Simeon was one of them. He was told by the Lord that he would not die until he saw the Messiah (see Luke 2:25-30). We talked about Mary, the mother of Jesus earlier, but think about how she learned to actually "expect" an answer. Remember, she became pregnant with the seed of the Holy Spirit and was, therefore, "expecting." Of course, she birthed what the Holy Spirit entrusted to her, which was the Son of God, Jesus.
But think about this...what did she do during the hard times? How did she press through her own narrow places? For instance, I'm sure the devil targeted her thought life just as he does ours. He probably tempted her with words like..."Sure, you just thought the Holy Spirit visited you..." Yet, she fully received, by faith, expected God to fulfill His words to her, and she later gave birth. Her responsibility was to receive and later birth, but it was all empowered by the Spirit! Again, not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit!
Have you had promises that are at the Cross right now? I know I have had some challenges, and yes, some of my promises seem to be at the Cross... It is as if God is asking, Will you endure until this is completely birthed? I am answering, YES... even though I feel burned out. As many of you, right now, I am expecting passion to arise once again. Believer, what is your answer? I pray you can embrace this new season...EXPECT!
When an expecting, expectant mother delivers, it is the most joyful of times! I can relate in the natural, but when you have a prayer answered, it is the same as being pregnant with vision and having that vision become reality before your eyes. Precious one, you are entering into a new season...toss unbelief to the side...let go of all limitations that hinder is time for breakthrough!
I have gone to great length to prepare Believers to cross over into a new season by writing several books. I would highly recommend two of them right now as I desire you to experience breakthrough: Letting Go of Your Limitations: Experiencing God's Transforming Power and Faith After Failure: Reconnecting With Your Destiny. No matter what you might consider a failure – God sees that failure as potential maturity and spiritual growth.
Evil Hindrances
With what has the devil tempted you? About what has he lied to you? Do you believe it is all up to you to shift territories, shift your business, or even shift yourself into breakthrough? The enemy would like for us to believe that lie. Satan is, as the Word says, a liar and a deceiver; he will lie to you concerning God's faithfulness and His ability to empower you to fulfill destiny! Yet, we must "awaken" to truth! We are overcomers and there is nothing impossible for God! Now, let that sink in! Keep reading – more empowerment awaits you!
I know, for a fact, that 2014 was personally one of my most challenging years. Yet, though I might be weak now, I know for a fact I am in reality stronger. After all, He promises to strengthen us, day after day, after day, right? You have been hindered from birthing because the enemy has targeted your future. King Hezekiah endured this type of pressure. While completely surrounded by the Assyrians, he said "...Thus says Hezekiah: 'This day is a day of trouble and distress and of rebuke and of disgrace; for children have come to the birth, and there is no strength to bring them forth'" (Isaiah 37:3 AMP).
The Narrow Place
Yes, you are in that narrow place – pregnant with vision – and the enemy is hurling false accusations at you. Do you feel too weak to fully birth what God has promised? If so, then please be encouraged today. The grace of God is available, right now, to empower you to rise up with great expectation for your future. (Photo via Pixabay)
Expect and Have Faith Today!
Apostle Paul exhorts us to not be as the children of Israel who had hard hearts and had unbelief concerning God's goodness. They were unable to leave their slavery mentality in Egypt. Allow me to address any unbelief or hardness of heart that we are tempted to carry into our new season. I believe it is time to completely let go of any hindrance that attempts to block our future. Take a moment and read Hebrews 3:7-19. Paul encouraged the Hebrews to hear God's voice, to shift from doubt and unbelief, and to EXPECT to enter into rest – all because that is what God promised!
Believer, what has God promised you? Will you hear His voice today? You can be expectant NOW, while it is still TODAY. I am in agreement with you today that 2015 will be a year of great expectation and answered prayers.
I have told many others that 2015 is also the year of "the dreamer." Dream big. Don't be afraid to dream again. Many of your dreams and desires are also God's dreams and desires for your life. In this new season, expect more supernatural encounters through heavenly dreams and visions. Song of Solomon 5:2 says that though we might be asleep, our hearts remain awake. Isn't it comforting to know that every time we dream, our hearts remain awakened to His voice and His perfect will? Therefore, knowing that He is trustworthy, let's get truly excited about 2015 and expect God's best!
In His love,
Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas
Dr. Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, they are the founders of Zion Ministries Training Center in Bedford, Texas, and Lifegate Church International. Sandie has traveled nationally and internationally teaching dreams and visions seminars and on spiritual discernment. Her ability to adequately prophesy and discern spiritual strongholds over regions has released numerous breakthroughs for individuals and ministries. Sandie has authored, Dream On, and eleven other books, most of which are in several different languages. Dr. Sandie and Apostle/Pastor Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kimberly.
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