Hebrew Symbols "Ayin and Hey"
As we entered into the Hebraic year of 5775 we looked into the Biblical and Hebrew symbolism of "75" or "ayin hey." In Hebrew the alphabet letters have a corresponding numerical values, as well as pictorial symbolisms.
Ayin: 70 is pictorially symbolic in that it has two eyes which represent the ability to perceive, and the choice of good or evil. Ayin is a silent letter and therefore although it sees with two eyes it does not speak, which is thought to be symbolic of humility. It can also be translated as a "fountain" of wisdom, or an "eye."
Hey: 5 is symbolic of the picture of a tent door (dalet) with a hand (yod). Hebrew4christians.com says: "Since hey is formed from dalet and yod, it can also be a picture of returning to God by means of the transforming power of the Spirit. Dalet stands for brokenness, and yod stands for a hand. Opening the door of the heart then is a picture of the Spirit of God indwelling the Believer..."
"They shall look on Him who they have pierced..." John 19:37
A Shmita Year
5775 is also a season for the United States and the nations to count the cost of His Lordship. The rest that you sow into this year will bring fertility into your thoughts and actions.
5775 is a Shmita year (the 7th year, a sabbatical year, a year of rest, a "year to let go") and a season of dormancy that prepares your inheritance to be received.
"The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow." Deuteronomy 28:12
This Shmita year for Israel and the nations is a season to rest from striving and relying on our own strength. It is a season to prepare us to receive our Jubilee inheritance in 5776.
5776 is a Jubilee year and the 70th Jubilee year observed since Joshua led the children of Israel into the Promised Land!
The number 70 corresponds with a total evolutionary cycle being complete and perfected.
It is truly incredible, and not a coincidence, that from January 2015 we have roughly 9 months to prepare to give birth to the most powerful Jubilee year in our lifetime.
This is a critical and important time for choices and spiritual decisions—like a season of pregnancy when a woman with child has to be conscious of taking care of her body during the most critical time for forming the life of the new child.
I believe that there is a double portion anointing to all who will call on the Name of the Lord to birth a third-day revelation and see what God sees, understand it, perceive it, and have the grace, resources, and anointing to bring it to pass.
"Grace, Grace!"
My first revelation was that 5775 was a year that God sees and God releases great grace. I had waves of the Father's love flowing through me saying, "Son, I want you to see as I see, and experience grace as I give grace."
I knew that this level of grace and revelation that the Lord desired to release into His Body could only be received in a spiritual state of supernatural Sabbath rest. The Scripture resounded in my spirit that during this Shmita year, a Sabbath rest year, that this would be a work of the Holy Spirit, and would not be by might nor by power, but truly by His Spirit in a divine moed—meaning in God's appointed time.
As I looked down at my notes on the pulpit and read the title of my message: The Double Portion 5775/2015, the two fives were jumping off the page. The Hebraic calendar and the Gregorian calendar were numerically saying, "Grace, Grace!"
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is the tree of life." Proverbs 13:12
For 20 years I have enjoyed studying and teaching about Biblical numerology. I have witnessed the prophetic pulses of God made manifest through His numbers many times. But when a real shift is going to take place, I have observed that not only do the numbers line up, but the apostles line up, as well.
Apostolic first-fruits, apostolic Israel, apostolic first-nations, and multiple generations were present at the Starting the Year Off Right conference where they came together in one accord under the tent of "ayin hey" saying, "Even our calendar is shouting Grace, Grace as we move into 2015 to start the year off right!"
Curt Landry is the founder and CEO of Curt Landry Ministries, an apostle and founder of House of David Ministries, and the acting CEO of My Olive Tree. Curt and Christie Landry travel extensively operating in the gifts of healing, signs and wonders, and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and the One New Man. Curt is also active in raising support for Israel throughout the Evangelical community as he desires to be a bridge of unity and restoration between Israel and the Church.
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